Wertanlagen Fonds
Thank you for your interest in our Wertanlagen Fund, the common-sense home for liquid and long-term oriented assets of family offices, foundations, and other professional and semiprofessional investors.
Key terms:
Current Minimum Co-Investment: EUR 400'000
Subscription surcharge: 0%
Fund management fee: 0.15% p.a. (minimum EUR 57'500)
External costs: as incurred; long-term objective 0.07% p.a., run-rate as of December 2024 0.10% p.a.
(minimum EUR 57'500, covering the entire fund)
Performance fee: 20% of value increase, if annual value accretion exceeds 5%
Redemptions: Quarterly
Redemption discount: 0% after first 5 years; 5% within the first 5 years
Wertanlagen Fund is part of Howaldt & Co. Investmentaktiengesellschaft TGV, a BaFin-registered fund management firm. Its assets reside with an independent and comprehensively regulated custodian bank, and it is audited on a regular basis by an internationally recognised Audit Firm. Monies are deployed in line with an investment philosophy that aims to preserve and enhance wealth on a long-term basis. Stakes in sustainably successful companies and special opportunities lie at the core of its approach. Timely preparation by the fund management team and ups and downs of securities prices on stock exchanges open up these opportunities. The stock exchange listing of its underlying assets normally provides the necessary liquidity to allow co-investor redemptions on a quarterly basis. Fund executives are also significant co-investors in the fund.
Fund units can be acquired exclusively via Howaldt & Co. German and EU rules and regulations require all co-investors to provide some personal data first to establish eligibility for fund entry (see Investor-Identification form below). Fund units held by co-investors are issued by Clearstream as central agent and booked into your personal securities account by your bank.
The following documents provide an overview of the Wertanlagen Fund. We will be glad to discuss individual current fund assets as part of your due diligence process.
- Key Information Document PRIIPs KID (German)
- Past performance development KID (German)
- Voluntary information document (German)
- Investor-Identification form